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But I looked back to my response to his “dispatch” of last week, which I fully stand on as an analysis of the political dynamics of the last 20+ years. There is some talk of possible plea bargains for 9/11 defendants, because the facts of their extreme torture by the CIA is now out in the open. Having gotten revealed, in part, by the Diane Feinstein led SSCI investigation of torture, over the zealous efforts of the Republicans to shut down the investigation. A Classified report came out of that which when Trump came into office, he fully criminalized the possession of that Report. With only a couple copies available now, but under seal, only due to a Judge's Order, if I recall correctly. And that saved over the Trump administration’s vigorous efforts to consign all copies “down the Memory Hole,” or at least “burn them."

I served as “resource attorney” to a team representing one of the 9/11 defendants (in addition to the other two legal teams I was on), and what I did was pieced together a “historical genealogy” of facts which explain the “causality of Mideast terrorism,” which began long before 9/11 and arose out of Western colonialism/imperialism. Graham Fuller’s writings on “Political Islam” were very helpful! What I lacked was a “theoretical” explanation of how “political grievances” when severe enough, almost inevitably lead to “armed resistance.” Which is always called “terrorism” by those doing the repressing, whether in Berlin in the 1930s-1940s, Britain’s in what became the U.S., India, Ireland, and Kenya, and wherever else their colonialism extended. As graffiti in West Belfast still proclaims: Repression Breeds Resistance! I found that in studying a bit of “how the mind works.” Which those on the opposite side of me politically also study, resulting in “Cognitive Warfare” theory/policy. 

But the year before I was assigned to the Military Commissions Defense Office, in 2007, I attended a 2 or 3 day West Point event on the “Legal Basis for the Global War on Terrorism,” or something like that. Attending were all the most "fanatical hardliners” of the U.S., the Heritage Foundation most prominently, who were in league with the most “fanatical hardliners” of Israel. The “worst of the worst” there, spouting off like one could imagine Himmler would have, was the Heritage Foundation’s “terrorism expert.” When I would later be assigned, what is most correct to say, to "defending the U.S. Constitution,” including the First Amendment, in the Military Commissions, the main obstacle in that was always, guess who, the Republican Party’s elected officials, and their think tanks, with Heritage Foundation and AEI the "worst of the worst” in inciting war, and torture! With Heritage celebrating a Judge who said he would never uphold a habeas release order, no matter what were the facts!

Now I’m supposed to believe the Quincy Institute and The American Conservative magazine’s promotion and “sanitizing" of exclusively “hard-line Conservatives/Republicans,” as their favored politicians, as “Right-wing Peaceniks.” To include Kevin Roberts of the Heritage Foundation, even though he, and the Republicans always promoted, like Chip Roy and Warren Davidson, are among the most fevered advocates of escalating war against China (and always Iran). And were the most fervent supporters of Torture! And Israel. And Trumpism, as the authoritarian ideology which provided even more cover for torturers than Obama had. With Trump making “Chief Torturer,” Bloody Gina Haspel, the CIA Director!

But back to the West Point event, the “Dean of Students” at West Point, Brig. Gen. Finnegan I believe his name was, was outspokenly opposed to the Hollywood promotion of the Bush administration’s torture programs, in the hit show, “24.” Going up against Hollywood Conservatives, and therefore, conservatives at the Heritage Foundation and in the Republican Party. Which with a few exceptions like Joe Lieberman and a couple others; it was the Republican Party which was vastly disproportionately the “purveyors” of Torture as USG policy. And have continued that even to a higher degree in the refusal of Trump to release even one victim of U.S. torture from Guantanamo! Except a Saudi as a favor to MBS. 

The keynote speaker at the West Point dinner at the event, was Major General Tony Taguba. An obvious “up yours” to the Bush administration and their torture supporting allies, like the ragingly fevered, Traditional Conservative, Sen. Jeff Sessions, one of the absolute “Worst of the Worst!”

And now because a few “Conservatives” prefer waging war on China first, and directing more of our Warfighting resources to the IndoPacific instead of so much to the “Eastern Front” of Ukraine, we’re being sold a “bill of goods” in the form of creating the “myth," that Republicans and Conservatives have always stood for a policy of “Restraint and Realism.” Even though they as a party have always been in the forefront in calling for “more and faster” war, and charging their opponents when not holding the POTUS office, with being “weak.” It’s all part of the historical record, as opposed to the “Historical Fiction” genre that is being written by so-called “Realism and Restraint” Conservatives. A “nom de guerre” concealing that they’re providing “ideological cover” for the opposite, as can be seen with only a slightly “deeper analysis” of their pronouncements. Just as begun as a tactic in the US by the self-named “Conservatives” who were the original “Conservative Revolution” in the 1950s, following in the footsteps of the German “Conservative Revolution Movement,” with ideas of Carl Schmitt most influential in each. 

That’s my Taguba and Heritage Foundation anecdote. With me having been in the “eye of the storm” in D.C. as the Republicans and Conservatives escalated their war against the U.S. Constitution, continuing what they’d begun in the 1950s, with a eyewitness view of how they were carrying that out. And not only "permitting” torture, but “demanding” it. And now I’m supposed to silently stand by and watch as some of the "worst of the worst” are sanitized by Conservative, Trump supporting media platforms, re-writing history? While I’m “still in the legal fight” opposing everything these “Conservative Revolutionaries” of the New Right stand for? With that including their opposing everything the Committee for the Republic ostensibly stands for. Perhaps a little “discord” is called for when “New Right” ideas (identical to their allied Israeli fascist’s ideas”) are directly, and “subliminally,” promoted in the Committee, rather than silent acquiescence? 

On Aug 31, 2023, at 6:00 AM, Seymour Hersh <> wrote:

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